Sunday, August 9, 2009

Life- when it gets in the way-breathe

Life: the thing we DO everyday. What's that saying? "Life is what happens when you are busy making plans" We come to have this idea that life is what’s happening to us and in a sense it is happening to us with each inhale and exhale. Not exactly the same kind of life we plan for though, you know all the things you want to do and be and have and accomplish. It’s my awesome yogi students who are reminding me to breath to experience the here and now with each breath and I do and I have to remind myself of it now more than ever- each breath is for me so that I can be there for my son and husband too.
The other kind of life is experienced through each new breath. The miraculous thing that we don’t have to plug in, that is both voluntary and involuntary- the thing that connects us to the infinite supply of the universe. I think of Banneker taking his first breath. I couldn’t see him, I wasn’t there to help him or experience it with him, but I heard him breath life here on this planet. The first breath, so clean and pure and new. Now when I watch him breath in his sleep it speeds up and slows down and he pants like a little puppy and there are all these little interruptions in the clean and pure and new that was and I feel a little sad and it reminds me how quick life moves, get’s in the way of our plans, and in the way of our breath.
Life is on a spectrum from birth to passing and the spectrum eventually becomes circular and closes. My dear mentor and friend Hilary is at the other end of life’s breath with her mother right now. Cheers to the first and the last breath and all the breaths in between and here’s hoping life doesn’t get in the way. And to Mrs Bullock and her life, especially her last breath it will be as clean and pure and new as the first one.


Unknown said...

Amy -
What a beautiful photograph, and your writing for me tonight, was perfect. Did not expect your words about mom, thank you for thinking of us. She and I are on a journey. Though it is hers it has become mine as well. Scary and sad but more and more peaceful each day. I am glad to have this connection in the cycle of birth and death with you.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

(no accent symbols available, so pronounced "A - shay").