Friday, February 12, 2010

Face the Change

Banneker is almost 7 months old- phew! Everyday he gets a little bigger, as in big boy. Not in size, but in growing up. Earlier in the week B was in good spirits but not himself, when I got home from work, I had a feeling about teeth. Up until this day, I had said, no no no he's not getting teeth, he will soon but not now, with varying symptoms, many people have suggested teeth. But on this day I had a feeling, I reached in his mouth and felt a little something on the left. It took several tries to get a gander, he kept putting his tongue over the little protrusion but there it was, the first little tooth. It was so weird, I had a genuine sense of excitement, a little rush followed quickly by my eyes welling up. My little baby is getting a tooth! It was exciting and sad all in the same minute. How will I get through his whole life? I've been thinking of all the milestones, yet to come. The sitting, crawling, walking are developmental and happen over time but BOOM! there it is -a tooth! I get a lump in my throat thinking about it. The very next day taking another look to be sure, there was #2. Two teeth in two days, I get a break now I hope, I can only face so much change.