Sunday, October 31, 2010

When is he not "super" ?

We did a couple fun things today in the beautiful CA sunshine. Oh the Giants won game 4 of the World Series and it was Halloween.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gap Baby?

What do you think?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dress Up and Date Night

A friend from work got married up the street here in Berkeley which provided us a great opportunity to get all dressed up and go out. B was sporting his LA dressed up look, jeans, tennies and all- look while mom rocked a 40s Lucille Ball look. Fun! B inherited the shirt and clip on tie from a coworkers son, it was a 4T so a little big but I just couldn't resist. Felt a little "Michael J Fox circa Family Ties". He didn't hate it as much as he looked like he did...he was just really tired.

After the wedding we took B home to play with our neighbor and Olive for the evening while we had dinner and a night out. We returned to pick up B and he and Olive were still chasing each other around the house laughing and playing at 11:00 pm. Too much fun to sleep!

One Year! Happy Birthday.

Wow! We made it...all the way around the sun. Lots of love for the birthday.

Grandma and Grandpa Moore traveled all the way from North Carolina and The Metry grandparents and Tita Tinah traveled from Minnesota to celebrate the happy birthday boy. Friends joined us for a playdate in the park with Tamales and chips and pie! Yummy and fun. It was unseasonably cool so B had to pull out the long pants and shirt with his short outfit.

Happy Birthday to the cutest boy in the whole universe. Daddy made a little video of the first year, make sure the volume is on.


10 months


9 months

Saturday, April 10, 2010

8 months old

If I keep you in a Onesie until you're 5...will that make you my baby forever? I like how the Onesie is the great baby equalizer. Age is hard to determine, socio-economic status, even gender. And all babies look like, well babies in the Onesie.

Eight months has included lots of change for our family. For us this month change came in the form of me getting an unexpected job offer. I knew my job situation would be changing but I thought I had a couple more months to do the part time thing and spend more time with B. I've been a working girl for the past 24 years and this new job at 32-40 hours a week (my choice) is providing me and the family full time benefits, for me the first time EVER in 24 years I have job benefits! That alone is what is getting me up at 7 each morning to take BART to the big city (SF) to work as the office manager at Yoga Journal. It's a good fit and I've been there before when I was first PG with B -I covered my friends maternity leave. So 3 days a week I barely get to see the boy and 2 days a week I am home just after lunchtime. Not bad. He is getting some serious daddy time.

My mom came to help with the transition and it was wonderful. We had her housekeeping and babykeeping aide for 2 weeks, we miss her tons!

So once again I have the perfect excuse for not posting sooner. It's that darn change, getting in the way again.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Face the Change

Banneker is almost 7 months old- phew! Everyday he gets a little bigger, as in big boy. Not in size, but in growing up. Earlier in the week B was in good spirits but not himself, when I got home from work, I had a feeling about teeth. Up until this day, I had said, no no no he's not getting teeth, he will soon but not now, with varying symptoms, many people have suggested teeth. But on this day I had a feeling, I reached in his mouth and felt a little something on the left. It took several tries to get a gander, he kept putting his tongue over the little protrusion but there it was, the first little tooth. It was so weird, I had a genuine sense of excitement, a little rush followed quickly by my eyes welling up. My little baby is getting a tooth! It was exciting and sad all in the same minute. How will I get through his whole life? I've been thinking of all the milestones, yet to come. The sitting, crawling, walking are developmental and happen over time but BOOM! there it is -a tooth! I get a lump in my throat thinking about it. The very next day taking another look to be sure, there was #2. Two teeth in two days, I get a break now I hope, I can only face so much change.

Monday, January 25, 2010

6 months

WOW! half a year has gone by. little B is growing up fast. he's six months old today. it's winter here in northern cal, it's raining. been raining for a while now. good thing B can sit up by himself now, with being indoors most of the day he entertains himself by disassembling the puzzle board, tearing down the block towers we make, ripping apart any paper he can get his hands on and so on. you get the idea, one has to tear down to build up. i think B is tearing down his infant self becoming a baby, ready to do baby things, like sit, eat, crawl, discover. it is a really amazing thing to see a little human brain develop and learn on a day to day basis one little thing after another. he's blissful every moment he is not crying. he doesn't cry much. jeff and i are both crushed and elated with each giggle and bright-eyed smile we get for our efforts at silly faces and silly voices. when B gets up in the morning and sees us he smiles with recognition, what a way to start each day with a full and happy heart. when one of us walks in the door from being gone a few minutes or hours, he happily greets us with that same grin of, "i see you." those yogic/avatar words. he sees us, we see him. he is both robust and fragile in body, mind and spirit but we see him we recognize every day the wonderful gift he is and we get to experience it day in and day out. happy 6 months on planet earth little B ---we see you. namaste

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Happy New Year, lots of firsts

5 Months holiday+family

Double Time

I used to go to the gym in my late 20s. I took classes because I lack the self discipline to workout on my own. There were all sorts of new funky classes to take but once I got the hang of it I really liked step aerobics. There comes a time in the class where you amp up before the cooling down begins, and sometimes it was hitting the step "double time". This requires a bit of accuracy, energy, concentration, and speed. With a brain and body running basically on naps and hormones for the last 5 months, step class would be a little much for me right now, though I could sure use it. But my whole life is actually a series of "double time" exercises. I get in the shower, between washing my own ass and face I am cleaning poop off clothes and diaper covers. Well at least the hot water is running down my back. While B naps on my lap I cut his finger and toe nails. I have to do it- those little things get razor sharp and cause the smallest scratches that oddly take days to heal. At least I get to watch him sleep peacefully. I go to work, pump in the bathroom while reading Wired or PC magazine, keeping up on the latest technology solutions, if I am really desperate for time, I actually go to the bathroom while pumping, tmi but this is the life of the double time that a super hero name by any chance..."Jeff!?" It should be. Where are the superhero mom characters? We really exist! Double Time to the rescue, able to leap diaper heaps in a single bound while holding a screaming baby, faster that a speeding bullet, dinner is made and the dishes are done all during the last 40 minute nap of the day. Yay! for Double Time mom!

4 months old- Thanksgiving