Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not too scarey

Happy Halloween!
We met our neighbor Stefanie and her daughter Olive to walk around to a couple houses in the area. Mostly to show off our cute little babies. Olive was wearing a cow suit and Banneker had inherited a "trick or treat" shirt with glow in the dark stars, we also had a little green top (hat) for him so his costume was a "human bean" I think it was Stephanie who said it.

The girls who live next door go all out with the decorations and an adult after party. It's creepy scarey cool and draws lots of attention and shreeks. So we took a picture in their graveyard. Then down the street this other guy was all decked out and Jeff was more scared than B (see pic). It all just looked like lights, shapes and smoke to B so he wasn't startled or scared.

What I think was really interesting about Banneker's non-reaction to it all was, well his non reaction. He has no history that tells him a story about how he should be or feel in a situation so he just is seeing it for what it is, interesting lights, and sounds and colors and darkness. He only reacts when his needs are not met and that is his short history. The usual: hungry, tired, bored, wet. It's so great to witness that newness, untainted by stories and history. It seems real and true with a capital T! Sheesh we make up a lot of stories as we grow up- don't we? And we get attached to those stories and we think they are us, but really it's all just lights, and sounds and colors and darkness. And really it's not too scarey.

1 comment:

Shomriel said...

I read a book last year called My Stroke of Insight, by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (I don't remember if I told you about this already)--she was actually one of the speakers at the GreenFest--and she talks about having a stroke and how during it and recovering from it her stories got wiped out and it was the most liberating thing ever: a fresh, fearless start! We can learn a lot from babies.