Thursday, October 22, 2009

the making of a human being

10 fingers
all exactly like dad’s
10 toes
big toes are mine, the rest dad’s
2 ears
perfect, mom and dad have good ears
2 big brown eyes, long eyelashes
dark ring mine, lashes mine, brown, dad
2 expressive eyebrows
long torso
long legs
alert in the world…
we may never know where that is from but likely a huge part of the reason he is here with us as his parents.

Seal and Heidi Klum had their 4th child recently and Seal had this to say… "It's difficult to imagine loving another child as much as you love your existing children," "Anyone who has a family will tell you this. Where will one find that extra love? If you love your existing children with all of your heart, how then can one possibly find more heart with which to love another?"

At 7:46 p.m. on Friday, he continued, "the answer to this question came in the form of our fourth child and second daughter... From the moment she looked into both of our eyes it was endless love at first sight. She is beautiful beyond words and we are happy that she chose us to watch her grow over the coming years."

When your baby is brand new, you don’t know him or her, they are a perfect stranger. You know the baby is yours but you don’t know the baby. I think the first 6-8 weeks are getting to know who your baby is and learning to love love love them too. Yes, it’s love at first sight but you don’t know them. As Banneker approaches 3 months. We know him more. This will change, but for now we know him. His 10 toes and fingers. His scrunched up nose when he cries. His morning ease. His tight grip on our fingers. His favorite toys. How he loves to be tightly swaddled to sleep. His little sucking mouth on my shoulder when he’s hungry. How he grabs his hair when something is intense for him. His pooping face. He loves to “fly”, likely thanks to his dad making up a theme song for him that is oddly like the Superman song. He is secure now knowing that we take care of him. We are secure knowing we can take care of him and each day we know him more and love him more. We made him, that trips me out the most, we made another human being. I recognize the physical part we made, the things that are like me or like Jeff and that is really amazing. I also see he has his own unique spirit that we are not responsible for him having, but incredibly blessed that he chose us to share it with. Like any parent, I consider him quite perfect and I really heart him!

1 comment:

Andrea Fotopoulos said...

I love the constancy of his bib. We just let Bija drool it out and took advantage of those as "wardrobe changes."

I think, having a child, is the remembrance that we can truly love. That there is a capacity within each of us to love so deeply - such a deep place that we didn't remember existed - until that moment that you become a parent and just the sight of your child breaks your heart in the most tender expression of your soul.