Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Well we are rapidly approaching the day where we are going to have to check ourselves into the hospital and bring our son into this world and the one thing I have learned from all of this is.....patience. This Journey with my wife has been an amazing one as I know all fathers, old and new can attest to. We have both grandmothers here at the house and they are eagerly awaiting their new grandson. Here's Nana Moore having a bite of lunch and braving the chilly Emmeryville Marina. Hopefully She will see her new grandson this week.


Unknown said...

OK - so now I am going to your blog multiple times a day to see if there are any updates ... not to put the pressure on or anything. Love your recent posts and hearing about the growth and change you are both experiencing.
Love and huge hugs!

Unknown said...

Blessings to all of you!

jkb said...

Oh it's sooooo exciting!!!

catherine said...

I understand your need for patience, and it's a very hard thing to do but sort of a right of passage as every mother for centuries (and many fathers who care) have done it. I was induced and it was all fine, a little disappointing but baby came and we were complete. I'll send you an email with more. -Catherine