Friday, July 10, 2009


The guess date.
But sheesh the pressure.

The natural birth community will tell you not to hang on to the date but it's hard not to AND when it's that cool of a number, you get a little invested. If we did it again I'd ask them to go ahead and add two weeks and tell me that number. You spend the first 35 weeks trying not to deliver then all you want to do is deliver. It's like how you spend all those years trying NOT to get pregnant and then when you want to it's not easy. Well, for some people.

I stopped working this week and spent the week preparing what we can for the arrival. It was kind of nice, like a little UNPAID vacation. I sat in the sun, grocery shopped, cooked, cleaned, rearranged, organized, finished knitting (see pic) and relaxed. In the meantime Jeff started working this week, nothing permanent yet but something for him to do and apparently a great excuse to not hang out with the Metry gals. My mom is here and doing all she can to help prepare, thanks mom!

I am going to go type out our birth plan now. That and pay the bills and we should be REALLY ready to go. Check back for updates.


catherine said...

It's been 8 days since you updated, you MUST have delivered!

Shomriel said...

anything yet? i certainly hope so!!