Thursday, January 14, 2010

Double Time

I used to go to the gym in my late 20s. I took classes because I lack the self discipline to workout on my own. There were all sorts of new funky classes to take but once I got the hang of it I really liked step aerobics. There comes a time in the class where you amp up before the cooling down begins, and sometimes it was hitting the step "double time". This requires a bit of accuracy, energy, concentration, and speed. With a brain and body running basically on naps and hormones for the last 5 months, step class would be a little much for me right now, though I could sure use it. But my whole life is actually a series of "double time" exercises. I get in the shower, between washing my own ass and face I am cleaning poop off clothes and diaper covers. Well at least the hot water is running down my back. While B naps on my lap I cut his finger and toe nails. I have to do it- those little things get razor sharp and cause the smallest scratches that oddly take days to heal. At least I get to watch him sleep peacefully. I go to work, pump in the bathroom while reading Wired or PC magazine, keeping up on the latest technology solutions, if I am really desperate for time, I actually go to the bathroom while pumping, tmi but this is the life of the double time that a super hero name by any chance..."Jeff!?" It should be. Where are the superhero mom characters? We really exist! Double Time to the rescue, able to leap diaper heaps in a single bound while holding a screaming baby, faster that a speeding bullet, dinner is made and the dishes are done all during the last 40 minute nap of the day. Yay! for Double Time mom!

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